Holy Sepulchre Cemetery 978-683-9416 © 2016 Saint Patrick Parish, Lawrence, MA
Benefits of Pre-Planning
Pre-need burial arrangements are those planned and purchased prior to death - often years before the need arises. Many purchases of burial space in Catholic cemeteries are made prior to the deaths of loved ones. Pre-planning relieves family members from the burden of making difficult decisions and evaluating complicated options in the midst of the grief that follows the death of their beloved. Advance arrangements also make good economic sense.
Reasons for making burial arrangements before they are urgently needed
1. An Act of Love
Pre-need arrangements represent one of the most gracious and compassionate things you can do for your family. Acting now greatly reduces the decisions your loved ones will have to face during a time of grief.
2. Preferred Burial Location
Many people prefer to be buried near family members and in a location they find attractive and peaceful. Holy Sepulchre Cemetery offers many beautiful locations and a continuity and tradition valued by families through many generations.
3. Financial Benefits
Cemetery and funeral costs increase every year. Pre-need arrangements assure costs are frozen at today's prices, affording considerable saving to you or your family. Additionally, insurance intended to benefit surviving family members will not have to be used to to cover cemetery costs.